Okulumuz Okulöncesi Öğretmeni EBRU ÇELİKCAN'NIN rehberliğinde başlayan Geri Dönüşüm Muhteşem Olacak isimli etwinning projemiz sayesinde öğrencilerimiz ve velilerimiz geri dönüşüm bilinci kazanacak. Ortak olunan okullardaki öğrencilerimizle birlikte evlerinde plastik kullanımını ve kağıt israfını en aza indirmeyi sağlamayı amaçlamaktayız. En çok atık çıkaran ürünlerin yerine kullanılabilecek alternatif ürünleri tercih etmeyi sağlamalıyız. Okullarımızdaki öğrenciler bu konuda birlikte hareket edecekler birbirleriyle fikir alışverişinde bulanarak ortak çözümler bulmaya çalışacaktır. Aylara böldüğümüz çalışmalarımıza ortak okullar ile teorik bilgilendirme sunumlarıyla farkındalık oluşturarak başlanacak daha sonra atölye çalışmaları (geri dönüşüm atölyeleri) ve temalara uygun ürün ortaya çıkarmayla devam edilecek daha sonra veli işbirliği daha sonra ise proje sonu sergisi düzenlenerek sonlandırılacaktır.
Şubat ayinin son haftasını ve Nisan ayının ikinci haftasını içine alan iki aylık süreçtir. Ortak olunan okullardaki öğrencilerimizle birlikte evlerinde plastik kullanımını en aza indirmeyi sağlamayı amaçlamaktayız. En çok atık çıkaran ürünlerin yerine kullanılabilecek alternatif ürünleri tercih etmeyi sağlamalıyız. Okullarımızdaki öğrenciler bu konuda birlikte hareket edecekler birbirleriyle fikir alışverişinde bulanarak ortak çözümler bulmaya çalışacaktır. Aylara böldüğümüz çalışmalarımıza ortak okullar ile teorik bilgilendirme sunumlarıyla farkındalık oluşturarak başlanacak daha sonra atölye çalışmaları (geri dönüşüm atölyeleri) ve temalara uygun ürün ortaya çıkarmayla devam edilecek daha sonra veli iş birliği daha sonra ise proje sonu sergisi düzenlenerek sonlandırılacaktır.
Hedeflerimiz öğrencilere küçük yaştan itibaren sıfır atık,geri dönüşüm bilincini yerleştirmek,öğrencileri yenilenebilir enerji tüketimini öğretmek,çevresini de bilinçlendirerek farkındalık düzeyini en üst seviyeye çıkarmak, ev ekonomisi olarak kullanılmayan atıkların nesnelerin geri dönüşüm sayesinde kullanabilir hale getirmek, yenilenebilir enerji çalışmaları ile beyin fırtınası yaparak ufuklarını genişletmektir. Bu hedefler doğrultusunda öğrencilerimizin;
1.Öğrencilerin atıkların çevreye verdiği zararları ön görmesini sağlamak
2.Öğrencilerin kendi yaşamlarına ve çevreye karşı duyarlı bir vatandaş olarak yaşamalarını sağlamak
3.Güncel gelişmelerden haberdar olmasını sağlamak
4.Yeni teknolojik gelişmeleri bilmesini ve öğrenmesini sağlayarak üretkenlik seviyesini geliştirmek
5.Değişimin bizlerle başlayacağı bilincini aşılayarak yaşam biçimini ve alışkanlıklarımızı değiştirmek
6.Atıkların geri dönüşüm ve geri kazanım süreci içinde değerlendirilmeden yok edilmesi hem maddesel hem de enerji olarak ciddi kaynak kayıpları yaşanmasına neden olan durumlara çözüm üretmek
7.Verimliliğin artmasına yardımcı olmak
8.İsrafın önüne geçildiğinden maliyetleri azaltmak
9. Çevresel risklerin azalmasını sağlamak
Zero-waste wastes come to life with the resources they contain and the materials back. The aim of our project is to lead the way with zero waste, consuming energy concepts and buy back purchases. It comes to life with our products that are thrown away from those who work at home, on the street and on the street. Themes suitable for the project will be determined and products suitable for the themes will be produced. Within the scope of the project, we will have exhibitions and design skill workshops. It will include Montessori and STEM activities, including nature education-based minicologist and naturalist project. In the future, student and joint workshops will be held by including parents in the project. An end-of-project exhibition will be opened in cooperation with end-of-project institutions.
Providing us with a common plan and agenda to resolve some of the heavy burdens facing our world, such as poverty, climate change, conflicts, out of 17 actions whose structures are defined by the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) with the project. By making the right choices today, he will leave a sustainable source of life to future generations. The investor will exhibit an efficient business they will create based on the project called “Recycling Will Be Amazing”.
The goals are to make the control scales to the highest level by raising awareness of the environment, to make the people who work as a home economy use it by directing the wastes, to choose their horizons by brainstorming with the energy studies that use them. The purpose of approaching these extensions;
1.To enable students to foresee the harms of wastes
2. To enable students to live as citizens who are sensitive to their own lives and participation.
3. To be informed about current developments
4. Ways to improve productivity by letting them know and learn about new technological developments
5. By instilling the awareness that change has acquired with us, by changing the way of life and the way it will go
6. Considering the wastes in the recycling and recovery process, not being resolved can remove the events that cause serious resource losses, both material and energy.
7. Helping with efficiency
8. End of costs as waste is avoided
9. Ensuring the protection of environmental risks
We aim to minimize plastic parts in homes, together with organizations at the partner ends. We should ensure that we prefer alternative products in order to use the most waste consumption instead. The students in our schools will act together on this issue, and the whole will try to find common solutions by exchanging ideas. Rational execution will be started with theoretical information presentations with general schools in the examples we have divided into months, then it will continue with workshop enclosures (remainder workshops) and the product suitable for the themes, then the parent work will be finalized by organizing the end of the project exhibition.
It is a two-month process covering February 20 and April 20.We aim to minimize plastic parts in homes, together with organizations at the partner ends. We should ensure that we prefer alternative products in order to use the most waste consumption instead. The students in our schools will act together on this issue, and the whole will try to find common solutions by exchanging ideas. Rational execution will be started with theoretical information presentations with general schools in the examples we have divided into months, then it will continue with workshop enclosures (remainder workshops) and the product suitable for the themes, then the parent work will be finalized by organizing the end of the project exhibition.
The beginning of the project is a survey. (Partners, student, parent)
Cases of school albums. (Twinspace management)
Making project parent information to parents.
Uploading parent permission documents to the system by signing them.
8 February Safe Internet Day Actıvıtıes (Collaboratıve Work)
Creation of eTwinning boards in schools. (Student)
Advancement of school promotional videos.
Publication of city/country promotional videos.
Conducting a webinar to meet the project partners.
Distribute and survey project deployments using Web 2.0 tools.
Storing logos and conducting surveys using Web 2.0 tools.
We are waiting for our project with the basic approach of nature education. We Learn the Recycling Adventure with Minicologists. (Introducing the topic of recycling with documentary, video, flash cards)
Our Project Trailer with Teacher- Student-Parent Recycling Slogans (Common Product)
Tema Foundation Soil to Fruit Event
We transform Glass Waste with our naturalist identity. (Revealing a product with residual products)
Now I am writing my Project Name with Materials. (Common Product)
We Write Acrostic Poems on Our Project Name(Common Product)
Making project introduction videos.
Use of project promotion on school sites. (Creating news on School Web Pages)
Marking of schools in the field of maps.
Conducting monthly evaluation webinar.
We Convert Plastic Waste to Montessori Materials.
3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities Blue Cover Event (Collaborative Work)
Making student and collective avatars using Web 2.0 tools. (Moment cam)(Student)
Using Web 2.0 tools and student avatars to promote their peers. (Talk Kids) (Student)
twinspace exile internally.
Conducting a student webinar. (A short hello during class hours) (Student)
We Do Stem Studies Project Activities with Paper Waste.
Art Workshop Student-Parent Meeting (Collaborative Work)
(Theme Foundation-Reuse Event)
Our Wordwall Matching Game
Project End Exhibition
Describe Our Recycling Project In One Word. Enabling Wooclap Word Clouding. Common product (Partners, students)
Security label-Esafety Label Obtaining certificates of internet safety and eTwinning ethics and use of the system.
Editing ebooks using Web 2.0 tools.
Examination of project evaluation questionnaires. (Partners, student, parent)
Issuance of project end certificate.
Conducting quality label information webinar.
Project execution and evaluation webinar.
We aim to remove the waste of real users by diversifying the collections of the results of our project. It will also contribute to the elimination of execution risks. By protecting natural resources, the consumption of the environment and nature will be prevented for future generations. Adopting and basing this approach, their main lines will now follow a more effective consumption and waste production policy in their homes and at other points, and they will convey the middle points to other people. Within the scope of the project, they will create a comprehensive product, reveal a product and have the awareness of being sensitive to the launch